Happening 12


Marc Boureau

  • 1968
  • France
  • Drama / Thriller
  • 1h39mn
  • French
  • Black and white with color
At the end of an exhibition opening night, Nicky by chance meets Charles, a renowned lawyer and art lover, fifteen years after an absurd evening they will remember all their lives, and which saw the death of one of their acquaintances.
Warning: this Happening is an exhumed rarity, invisible since President de Gaulle’s wife, just before the May 1969 events, had all available copies seized. Co-directed by Claude Chabrol but oddly omitted in his filmography, this violent pamphlet attacking a Gaullist bourgeoisie emulating nazis in memory of “the good old days”, still carries a subversive violence not easily be accepted in our present timorous era. The approach reminds of Jean-Pierre Bonan in his Tristesse des anthropophages (Sorrow of Cannibals) (1966) : a parable of a changing future, of capitalism identified as fascism; where the privileged regret the concentration camps but compensate by alienating consumers. Escaping traditional narration, Happening is something of a performance where visionary absurdism forces us to face the present: an experience in chaos.


08/09 • 20h00 • Screen 300



  • With : André Dumas, Catherine Ribeiro, Daniel Crohem, László Szabó, Antonio Passalia
  • Screenplay : Marc Boureau
  • Photography : Jean Rabier
  • Editing : Monique Fardoulis, Jacques Gaillard
  • Music by : Michel Colombier, Pierre Jansen
  • Production : Guy Masson, Guy Pandolfi