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The rascals

The rascals

(Les rascals)

Jimmy Laporal-Trésor

  • 2022
  • France
  • Drama
  • 1h42mn
  • French
  • Color
Their gang name sewn upon their jackets, "The Rascals" live life to its fullest, which includes petty delinquency and chasing girls. In 1984 Paris saw a rise of neo-nazism, and the end of the Rascals’ innocence.
After Black Soldier Jimmy Laporal-Trésor sharpens his observation of French society in the 80s with this chronicle of youth that shows his love for gang movies like The Outsiders and veers towards a terrifying portrait of France in the pangs of a rise of neo-nazism: Do you work for the National Front? No, they're too soft." The filmmaker meets the challenge of making a political and romantic film that looks at the present but avoids demagogy or stereotypes. The writing is as precise as the direction is rigorous, and the young actors all show great talent. Flabbergasting.


14/09 • 19h00 • Screen 500
In the presence of the team

17/09 • 17h15 • Screen 300


  • With : Jonathan Feltre, Missoum Slimani, Jonathan Eap, Angelina Woreth, Victor Meutelet...
  • Screenplay : Jimmy Laporal-Trésor, Sébastien Birchler, Virak Thun
  • Photography : Romain Carcanade
  • Editing : Riwanon Le Beller
  • Music by : Delgres
  • Production : Manuel Chiche, Nicolas Blanc, Violaine Barbaroux, Sarah Egry