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Tout fout le camp

Tout fout le camp

Sébastien Betbeder

  • 2022
  • France
  • Comedy
  • 1h34mn
  • French
  • Color
Thomas, a freelancer at Courrier Picard, must interview Usé, a singular singer, and ex election candidate for mayor. As they get to know each other, they discover Jojo’s body, quite dead. But Jojo comes back to life.
French comedy is saved! For the last few years, thanks to filmmakers like Antonin Peretjatko, Benoît Forgeard or Sébastien Betbeder (Marie et les Naufragés, the brilliant Greenland trilogy), a new spirit is blowing, of fantasy, outright burlesque and offbeat humor, where the praise of dreamers, far from trivial, is a political statement. Absurd poetic humor becomes a weapon against the times, a fist fist raised against the rule of norms. Playing himself, oddball singer Usé fits finely into this amiable asylum, while the brilliant Thomas Scimeca, the bewildered oaf, a worthy heir to Pierre Richard, once again invades the screen with his physical presence.


10/09 • 21h30 • Screen 300
In the presence of the team


  • With : Thomas Scimeca, Jonathan Capdevielle, Léonie Dahan-Lamort, Nicolas "Usé" Belvalette...
  • Screenplay : Sébastien Betbeder
  • Photography : Romain Le Bonniec
  • Editing : Céline Canard
  • Music by : Usé
  • Production : Frédéric Dubreuil