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Tchaïkovski's wife

Tchaïkovski's wife

(Zhena Chaikovskogo)

Kirill Serebrennikov

  • 2022
  • Russia, France, Switzerland
  • Drama / Biopic
  • 2h23mn
  • Original version with French subtitles
  • Color
In 19th century Russia, Antonina Miliukova will do anything to become Piotr Tchaïkovski’s wife, and then to remain as such, even though the composer soon violently repudiates her. The chronicle of a devouring obsession that morphs into a symphony of inexorable decline.
In this fake biopic, Kirill Serebrennikov’s feverish surrealism reaches its pinnacle. He doesn’t attempt to scrutinize the origins of this insane passion, but instead follows its form, supported by the total commitment of Alyona Mikhailova’s performance. The filmmaker transforms human debasement into a hazy delirium, wrapping this morbid monomania in his voluptuously fetid direction that attracts flies. Next to Tchaikovski’s Wife, Ken Russell’s The Music Lovers seems as austere as a Bresson movie.


07/09 • 20h30 • Screen 500

10/09 • 14h45 • Screen 500


  • With : Alyona Mikhailova, Odin Lund Biron, Miron Fedorov, Yuliya Aug, Filipp Avdeev
  • Screenplay : Kirill Serebrennikov
  • Photography : Vladislav Opelyants
  • Editing : Yuriy Karikh
  • Music by : Daniil Orlov
  • Production : Carole Baraton, Yohann Comte, Céline Dornier, Frédéric Fiore, Pierre Mazars, Olivier Père, Ilya Stewart