The End (Fragments artificiels de l'espèce humaine) ©Banana Productions

The End (Fragments artificiels de l'espèce humaine)

Aurélien Héraud and Olivier Héraud

  • 2023
  • France
  • Surreal comedy
  • 1h42mn
  • French
  • Color
World premiere
Is this the story of Esther whose life seems centered on the pleasure of a clicking rabbit, mouse in hand? Or is it Connie’s story, harassed by her lecherous boss? Or of a young man who everyday dreams of strangling a woman? And what if everything was linked?
Beware, highly surrealist object. Imagine Quentin Dupieux and Fabcaro digested by Svankmajer, and you’ll have some idea on this deconstructed nightmare and its unlimited nonsensical humor, unique in French cinema, in fact unique in general. The absurdity of the language contaminates the image, turned into malleable matter nibbling on reality. After several shorts and some collaborations, the Héraud brothers sign a first highly addictive feature film, where nonsense surreptitiously turns into anguish.


09/09 • 19h45 • Screen 300
In presence of the directors


15/09 • 14h45 • Screen 300
In presence of the directors



  • With : Clara Noël, Nicolas Girard-Michelotti, Jan Brian, Adeline Chagneau, Jérôme Cusin
  • Screenplay : Aurélien Héraud, Olivier Héraud
  • Photography : Aurélien Héraud, Olivier Héraud
  • Editing : Aurélien Héraud, Olivier Héraud
  • Music by : Mathieu Goudot
  • Production : Olivier Heitz, Nicolas Legros, Aurélien Héraud, Olivier Héraud