

Thibault Emin

  • 2024
  • France
  • Fantasy
  • 1h40mn
  • French
  • Color
European premiere
The end is nigh. A plague rages outside: by just a glance, living beings are contaminated, which condemns them to fuse with objects, to become one with things. Nonetheless, a new couple unites, and love each other, confined in their apartment… expecting the worst.
Thibault Emin adapts his 2007 short film as a feature film. Greatly ambitious, Else meets the challenge of imposing a fantastic cosmic and organic world we thought was reserved to animation. Of course one thinks of Cronenberg’s body transformations, of Clive Barker’s hellish landscapes or even of Bilal’s architectures, but the filmmaker predominantly imposes a unique intimate vision, with multiple symbolic levels, where the fear of the void blends with love’s osmosis. A marvel.


12/09 • 21h30 • Screen 500
In the presence of the director


13/09 • 14h00 • Screen 500
In the presence of the director



  • With : Lika Minamoto, Matthieu Sampeur, Edith Proust de La Comédie Française...
  • Screenplay : Alice Butaud, Thibault Emin, Emma Sandona
  • Photography : Léo Lefèvre
  • Editing : Ariane Boukerche
  • Music by : June Ha, Shida Shahabi
  • Production : Damien Lagogué, Benoît Roland