

Claude Baechtold

  • 2023
  • Switzerland
  • Documentary
  • 1h36mn
  • French
  • Color
A year after the 9-11 terrorist attacks, photographer Claude Baechtold was unwillingly embarked by two gung-ho reporters on a journey through warring Afghanistan. With his locally bought video camera, he captured this reckless road trip.
Imagine The Hangover shot in a war zone, or a dark found footage comedy and you might have a small idea of the result, except..it’s all for real. A staunch anti-militarist, Baechtold uses provocative counterpoints, comments ironically on the horrors of war, sets terrorist attacks to rock music, or opts for a pop editing. Probably not everyone’s cup of tea. All the better: because beyond the devastating humor, the film is cringy and unsettling. And this playful dimension serves as a truly subversive tool.


06/09 • 17h15 • Screen 100
In the presence of the director
Q&A after the screening


10/09 • 19h15 • Screen 100
In the presence of the director



  • With : Claude Baechtold, Serge Michel, Paolo Woods...
  • Screenplay : Claude Baechtold, Kevin Schlosser, Katia Monla
  • Photography : Claude Baechtold
  • Editing : Kevin Schlosser
  • Production : Luc Peter, Katia Monla