The Master and Margarita + Wander to Wonder

The Master and Margarita + Wander to Wonder

Wander to Wonder

Wander to Wonder

Nina Gantz

  • 2023
  • France, The Netherlands, Great-Britain
  • Animation
  • 12mn50s
  • Original version with French subtitles
  • Color
Mary, Billybud and Fumbleton are the stars of an 80s animated series for children called "Wander to Wonder". After the death of their creator, they find themselves alone in the studio. Searching for food, they continue to produce episodes - stranger as they go - for their fans.
The Master and Margarita

The Master and Margarita

(Master i Margarita)

Michael Lockshin

  • 2023
  • Russia
  • Fantasy drama
  • 2h37mn
  • Original version with French subtitles
  • Color
French premiere
Russia, the 1930s. While his play is censored and he’s banned from the Writers Union, a playwright in the sights of the powers in place, befriends the mysterious D.T. Woland, who claims to be a black magic teacher, and also meets Margarita, a married woman who becomes his muse. Based on Mikhaïl Bulgakov’s novel.
After his first spectacular film The Silver Skates (shown on Canal+Cinéma), the American-Russian filmmaker Michael Lockshin takes on a monument of 20th century Russian literature, a cult novel written between 1927 and 1940, that later became an international success. Baroque, visually impressive, the film is a successful and faithful adaptation of the book’s fantastic visions.


  • With : August Diehl, Loulia Sniguir, Evgeni Tsiganov...
  • Screenplay : Roman Kantor
  • Photography : Taksim Joukov
  • Editing : Dmitri Komm, Dmitri Slobtsov
  • Music by : Anna Droubitch
  • Production : Mars Media Entertainment


13/09 • 16h15 • Screen 300
Free screening in partnership with Canal+ presented by Brigitte Pardo and Yvan Guyot
Free tickets available 24 hours before a screening at the FORUM DES IMAGES ticket counters (2 TICKETS MAXIMUM PER PERSON)
